If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.

Mahatma Gandhi


To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

Buckminster Fuller


Keep pointing at the failures in the old paradigm. Keep speaking and acting, loudly and with assurance, from the new one.

Donella Meadows

Scholar and Author

To change our realities, we also have to change our myths.

Riane Eisler

President, Center for Partnership Systems

We tend to attach dignity only to wage, labor, and work. What if we attach it to our personhood?

Dorian Warren

Founder, The Economic Security Project

Denizen brings together leaders across disciplines to accelerate systemic change

From the personal to the global, our work spans six themes:

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We host talks with diverse thinkers to explore possible regenerative futures for humanity

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Redefining Progress

Alex Randall
Alex Randall, Editor The Consilience Project
Alex Randall
Alex Randall, Editor The Consilience Project

How do we define progress, and how do we go about achieving it?  How are our current notions of progress catastrophically problematic, creating much bigger problems than they solve?  What would authentic progress look like, and how might we go about achieving it?

Scaling A Progressive Economy

Chelsea Robinson
Editor, Assets In Common
Chelsea Robinson
Editor, Assets In Common
Jay Standish
Co-author, Assets In Common
Jay Standish
Co-author, Assets In Common

How can shared and purpose-driven economic models overcome the barriers they face operating in the dominant, extractive economy?  This conversation explores how progressive companies are working together at the frontiers of today's economy to enable resilience, competitiveness, and access to capital.

Collective Power

Ted Rau
Co-founder, Sociocracy for All
Ted Rau
Co-founder, Sociocracy for All

How can we distribute power and govern in a way that is most reflective of our collective objectives? How can we balance autonomy with alignment to best realize our shared goals?

Trauma and the Nervous System

Danielle Rubio
Danielle Rubio, Nervous System Educator
Danielle Rubio
Danielle Rubio, Nervous System Educator

What are the social and economic costs of widespread unresolved trauma? What does trauma do to our bodies and brains? What is required to heal trauma at it's root in our nervous systems?

Transforming Relational Conflict

David Cooley
Author and Relationship Coach
David Cooley
Author and Relationship Coach

How do we inadvertently show up to conflict in a way that harms rather than restores our relationships? How have cultural norms influenced our beliefs, narratives, and behaviors? How can we reorient within a new paradigm that results in more connection, intimacy, and love in our lives?

Living Authentically

Maria Camara Serrano
Co-Director, Hoffman Institute International
Maria Camara Serrano
Co-Director, Hoffman Institute International

What does it mean to live an authentic life? Why is living authentically so central to Denizen's vision of humanity flourishing in harmony with life on earth? What is the work required to align with our true selves?

Advancing Modern Families

Alexander Chen
Lecturer on Law
Alexander Chen
Lecturer on Law
Heath Schechinger
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Modern Family Institute
Heath Schechinger
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Modern Family Institute

What are alternative ways people are defining family in the modern era?  What systemic changes are needed culturally and institutionally to support a more diverse definition of family?

Consensual Non-Monogamy Part II

Jessica Fern
Therapist, Coach, and Author
Jessica Fern
Therapist, Coach, and Author

What does consensual non-monogamy have to do with systems change?  Jenny and Jessica discuss how personal and relational growth in the context of consensual non-monogamy yields important lessons for social justice, culture, and consciousness.

Optimal Zone Resilience

Robert Gilman
Founder and President, The Context Institute
Robert Gilman
Founder and President, The Context Institute

Our optimal zone refers to the state of our nervous system when we are calm, confident, clear headed, and creative.  We move into our defensive zone when we are triggered; there we are more prone to escalating conflict, less empathetic, and less able to engage in rational thought.  In this episode we discuss how we can become more resilient in remaining in our optimal zone.

Regenerative Economics

John Fullerton
Founder, The Capital Institute
John Fullerton
Founder, The Capital Institute

How might we promote and sustain human prosperity and well being in an economy of permanence? John Fullerton takes his cues from stable, healthy living systems to formulate eight principles for a regenerative economy.

Art and Systemic Change

Roxi Shohadaee
Co-Founder, The Design Science Studio
Roxi Shohadaee
Co-Founder, The Design Science Studio

How can art contribute to systemic change?  Design Science Studio co-founder Roxi Shohadaee shares her insights from working with hundreds of artists across myriad disciplines.

Stakeholder Capitalism

Jasper van Brakel
CEO, RSF Social Finance
Jasper van Brakel
CEO, RSF Social Finance

What is stakeholder capitalism? What is required to truly instantiate stakeholder decision making in the governance of companies?


Stephanie Lepp
Founder and Executive Producer, Synthesis Media
Stephanie Lepp
Founder and Executive Producer, Synthesis Media

How might we move beyond polarization and integrate the truths held in opposing points of view?  Storyteller and producer Stephanie Lepp shares with us her tools and strategies to, in her words, "leave no insight behind" -- a skill essential to address the challenges of our time.

Consensual Non-Monogamy Part I

Jessica Fern
Therapist, Coach, and Author
Jessica Fern
Therapist, Coach, and Author

What does consensual non monogamy have to do with systemic change? It turns out, a lot. This is part one of a two part series exploring love, relationships, and relating in the modern era.

Beyond Capitalism, Now

Donnie Maclurcan
Founder and Executive Director, Post Growth Institute
Donnie Maclurcan
Founder and Executive Director, Post Growth Institute

What is out there, now, that represents a market-based economy beyond capitalism? Post Growth Institute Founder Donnie Maclurcan shares his views on what's working around the world today and his theory of change towards the next economy.

Taming the Outrage Machine

Tobias Rose Stockwell
Author, designer, and media researcher
Tobias Rose Stockwell
Author, designer, and media researcher

How does technology amplify outrage and disrupt democracy?  What can we learn from the history of media?  How might we intervene to restore a more healthy information ecosystem?

Inclusive Stakeholding

Joon Yun
Investor, Author, and Philanthropist
Joon Yun
Investor, Author, and Philanthropist

How might we design our organizations and institutions to align incentives for all stakeholders? Taking inspiration from small, kin-based groups, Joon Yun asks how we can scale such dynamics globally.

Long-Term Thinking

Alexander Rose
Executive Director, Long Now Foundation
Alexander Rose
Executive Director, Long Now Foundation

How might we inspire humans to think on the time scale of civilization?  What can we learn about long term thinking from the world's most enduring organizations?  Long Now Foundation's Executive Director reflects on his learnings from 25 years in his role.


Ted Rau
Co-founder, Sociocracy for All
Ted Rau
Co-founder, Sociocracy for All

What is sociocracy? How does it enable decentralization and a more equitable distribution of power within organizations?

Long-Term Capitalism

Michelle Green
President Emeritus, Long Term Stock Exchange
Michelle Green
President Emeritus, Long Term Stock Exchange

What is long-term capitalism?  How can policy makers, business leaders, investors, and third parties establish long term behavior across the economy?

Aligning Big Tech

Rob Reich
Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
Rob Reich
Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
Jeremy Weinstein
Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
Jeremy Weinstein
Professor of Political Science, Stanford University

How might we address the misalignment of the outcomes of big technology companies and our broader societal objectives?  Stanford Professors Jeremy Weinstein and Rob Reich share insights and recommendations from their book System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong And How We Can Reboot.

Game B

Jim Rutt
Entrepreneur and Founder of Game B
Jim Rutt
Entrepreneur and Founder of Game B
Jordan Hall
Co-Founder, Game B
Jordan Hall
Co-Founder, Game B

What is Game B? We sit down with the founders of this alternative civilization movement to understand its genesis, central tenets, and current state.

Embodied Leadership

Donnie Maclurcan
Founder and Executive Director, Post Growth Institute
Donnie Maclurcan
Founder and Executive Director, Post Growth Institute

What is embodied leadership?  Learn how the Post Growth Institute combines an asset-based approach with sociocracy and lean processes to establish a radically progressive, post growth organization.

New Narratives

John Fullerton
Founder, The Capital Institute
John Fullerton
Founder, The Capital Institute
Hunter Lovins
Founder, Natural Capitalism Solutions
Hunter Lovins
Founder, Natural Capitalism Solutions
Joon Yun
Investor, Author, and Philanthropist
Joon Yun
Investor, Author, and Philanthropist

What are the narratives and paradigms that need to shift to facilitate a transition to a just, regenerative future? How do various mediums such as music, art, and film enable such changes to occur?


Forrest Landry
Philosopher, Inventor, Social Architect
Forrest Landry
Philosopher, Inventor, Social Architect

What is governance? What are the attributes of the governance processes necessary to address the challenges humanity faces today? How might we acknowledge the limitations of human cognition while enabling collective action at scale?

Gift Economics

Charles Eisenstein
Writer & Speaker
Charles Eisenstein
Writer & Speaker

What attributes define gift economies? How do they establish an economy that is relational vs. transactional, facilitating interconnection vs. individualism? How do gift economies mirror nature?

Guaranteed Income

Natalie Foster
President, The Economic Security Project
Natalie Foster
President, The Economic Security Project
Dorian Warren
Co-Founder, The Economic Security Project
Dorian Warren
Co-Founder, The Economic Security Project

What is the distinction between universal basic income and guaranteed income? What are the theoretical and practical arguments for these policies? What experiments and evidence are underway in the United States today?


Riane Eisler
Founder and President, Center for Partnership Systems
Riane Eisler
Founder and President, Center for Partnership Systems

Partnerism is a socio-economic system where all relationships, institutions, policies, and organizations are based on principles of equitable partnership that supports hierarchies of actualization rather than hierarchies of domination.

Decentralized Social Media

Evan Henshaw-Plath
Founder and CEO, Planetary
Evan Henshaw-Plath
Founder and CEO, Planetary

Can decentralized social media address the ailments of the dominant, centralized model of social media today? What are the big debates in this nascent and rapidly evolving ecosystem?

Atonement and Reparations

Denise Hamilton
Entrepreneur and DEI Leader
Denise Hamilton
Entrepreneur and DEI Leader
Sam Lewis
Executive Director, Anti-Recidivism Coalition
Sam Lewis
Executive Director, Anti-Recidivism Coalition
Zaheer Ali
Oral Historian and Educator
Zaheer Ali
Oral Historian and Educator

If we care about having a just society, we must acknowledge and repair from harms of the past. How can atone, especially for injustices that have perpetuated for hundreds of years?

Systems Thinking

Marta Ceroni
Co-Director, Academy for Systems Change
Marta Ceroni
Co-Director, Academy for Systems Change

What is systems thinking? How does one design interventions to influence a system? How do the systems underlying our socio-economic structures reflect our traumas, beliefs, and values?

Art and Activism

Aaron Huey
Founder, Amplifier Art
Aaron Huey
Founder, Amplifier Art

What role does art play in activism? What makes street art especially impactful? How can artists achieve their goals with limited budgets?


Jordan Hall
Co-Founder, Game B
Jordan Hall
Co-Founder, Game B

How does our role as parents relate to our desire to foster systemic change? Why don't we value parenting in our current cultural context? How might we propagate new narratives that see parenting as essential for creating a better future?

Modern Monetary Theory

Andres Bernal
Policy Expert and MMT Advocate
Andres Bernal
Policy Expert and MMT Advocate

What is Modern Monetary Theory? How does it challenge how we think about money, government spending, federal deficit and debt, taxes and bonds, unemployment, and monetary policy?

Buckminster Fuller

Amanda Joy Ravenhill
Entrepreneur, Activist, Public Speaker
Amanda Joy Ravenhill
Entrepreneur, Activist, Public Speaker

Buckminster Fuller was one of the most prolific and prescient systems thinkers of the 20th century.  What essential ideas of his should we be aware of as we consider changing our socio-economic systems?

Social Media Governance

Sudhir Venkatesh
Sudhir Venkatesh
Tracey Meares
Legal Scholar and Author
Tracey Meares
Legal Scholar and Author

How are social media platforms governed? How might we design products and processes to revitalize community and cultivate values that are essential to civic discourse? What can we learn from the fields of sociology and criminal justice?

Nonviolent Communication

Danny Cohen
Educator and Coach
Danny Cohen
Educator and Coach

How do pervasive paradigms of patriarchy, dominance, competition, and scarcity influence the way we relate to one another? How might we engage in a way that stems from paradigms of interconnection, cooperation, and abundance?

Beyond the Enlightenment

Robert Gilman
Founder and President, The Context Institute
Robert Gilman
Founder and President, The Context Institute

What mindsets took hold in Western culture during the Age of Enlightenment? What are the their blind spots that inhibit our ability to address the greatest challenges of today?  How might we expand on what The Enlightenment had to offer?


Jessica Mason
Executive Director, Start.coop
Jessica Mason
Executive Director, Start.coop
Greg Brodsky
Founder, Start.coop
Greg Brodsky
Founder, Start.coop

What is a co-op? How does this corporate governance model enable a more equitable, just economy? What distinguishes co-ops from other forms of multi-stakeholder corporate governance?


Carla Fernandez
Co-Founder, The Dinner Party
Carla Fernandez
Co-Founder, The Dinner Party

This episodes explores a very personal and universal topic: grief.  We explore the experience of grief at the individual level and then draw out the implications of society's relationship to grief and death for systems change.

Steward Ownership

Camille Canon
Founder, apiary
Camille Canon
Founder, apiary
Derek Razo
Partner, Purpose US
Derek Razo
Partner, Purpose US

Steward ownership is form of corporate governance that truly instantiates a purpose driven economy and addresses capitalisms most fatal flaws. For anyone interested in redesigning our economic institutions, this is a must listen.


Davion Ziere
Co-Director, Mobius
Davion Ziere
Co-Director, Mobius

Why is trust foundational for systems change?  How might we restore trust within ourselves and amongst each other?

Post-Growth Economics

Donnie Maclurcan
Founder and Executive Director, Post Growth Institute
Donnie Maclurcan
Founder and Executive Director, Post Growth Institute

What are some of the fundamental flaws of capitalism? How might we instantiate a market-based economy that is growth agnostic?

Liberatory Technology

Aden Van Noppen
Founder and Co-Director, Mobius
Aden Van Noppen
Founder and Co-Director, Mobius
Davion Ziere
Co-Director, Mobius
Davion Ziere
Co-Director, Mobius
Dr. Sará King
Scientist and Entrepreneur
Dr. Sará King
Scientist and Entrepreneur

What is liberatory technology? How might we enable a technology ecosystem that centers our collective well-being?

Fireside Chat with Elena Brower

Elena Brower
Yoga teacher, writer, artist, mother
Elena Brower
Yoga teacher, writer, artist, mother

In this fireside chat with Elena Brower we touch on many topics to date, adding richness to previous conversations and integrating them with one another.

Change From Within

Bobby Klein
Spiritual Elder and Writer
Bobby Klein
Spiritual Elder and Writer

Bobby Klein was a multi-modal spiritual elder who integrated clinical psychology, Jungian analysis, Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese medicine, and many indigenous traditions.  He died a year ago; this episode honors his legacy.


We distill the critical topics of our time




Delegative Democracy


Wealth Taxes




The Circular Economy


Lessons from Buckminster Fuller


Free Speech & Social Media


Long-Term Capitalism


Steward Ownership


Universal Basic Income


Stakeholder Capitalism


Capitalism & Inequality


The Epistemic Crisis


Post-Growth Economics


Lessons from Donella Meadows


Decentralized Social Media


Modern Monetary Theory

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We collaborate with organizations at the forefront of systemic change

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