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What are the ways in which all of us can be empowered as financial activists in our lives? Author Jasmine Rashid outlines eight strategies for financial activism, spanning inner work, personal financial decisions, influence over collective financial flows, and financial activism beyond money.
What are the ways in which we can decolonize ourselves through deep inner narrative work? How does this intersect with consciousness and spiritual practices? Activist, artist, and slam poet Ashanti Kunene shares four unlearning principles that support us in coming into alignment with ourselves.
How do we inadvertently show up to conflict in a way that harms rather than restores our relationships? How have cultural norms influenced our beliefs, narratives, and behaviors? How can we reorient within a new paradigm that results in more connection, intimacy, and love in our lives?
How might we move beyond the confines of traditional notions of money and currency to enable a regenerative transition? How can we use currencies to enable a healthy economy where resources are allocated efficiently and fairly, contributing to the overall prosperity and well-being of a community?
How can shared and purpose-driven economic models overcome the barriers they face operating in the dominant, extractive economy? This conversation explores how progressive companies are working together at the frontiers of today's economy to enable resilience, competitiveness, and access to capital.
Our optimal zone refers to the state of our nervous system when we are calm, confident, clear headed, and creative. We move into our defensive zone when we are triggered; there we are more prone to escalating conflict, less empathetic, and less able to engage in rational thought. In this episode we discuss how we can become more resilient in remaining in our optimal zone.
How might we move beyond polarization and integrate the truths held in opposing points of view? Storyteller and producer Stephanie Lepp shares with us her tools and strategies to, in her words, "leave no insight behind" -- a skill essential to address the challenges of our time.
What is out there, now, that represents a market-based economy beyond capitalism? Post Growth Institute Founder Donnie Maclurcan shares his views on what's working around the world today and his theory of change towards the next economy.
How might we address the misalignment of the outcomes of big technology companies and our broader societal objectives? Stanford Professors Jeremy Weinstein and Rob Reich share insights and recommendations from their book System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong And How We Can Reboot.
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Denizen is offered as a gift in order to model a non-extractive, relational economy.